On behalf of the Director Tillyashaykhov M.N.

On behalf of the director, Professor M. Tillashaykhov and the entire team of the Republican Center for Oncology, we congratulate our dear mentors on World Teacher’s Day! We greatly appreciate your patience and dedication! We wish you good health, joy from hard work and every success in your personal life! Let you be surrounded by respect and love, goodwill and mercy, cheerfulness and gratitude of students !!!
Yusupov B.Yu.
Tuidzhanova H.H.
Yusupbekov A.A.
Maksimkulov D.M.
Bobokulov H.B.
Khodzhaev A.V.
Islamov Z.S.
Islamov U.F.
Toshchbekov B.U.
Nishanov D.A.
Abdukarimov G.A.

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