the Republican oncological scientific center of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the cancer research center of Uzbekistan) was founded in 1962 as the Uzbek scientific research Institute of Oncology and radiology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Since 2000-Republican cancer research center of the Ministry of health of Uzbekistan.
The cancer research center of the MOH of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the head institution of Oncology service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including 16 major institutions in the conditions of oncologic service within the (city, regional, Republican dispensaries), as well as 232 onkarabile in the district and city polyclinics. In total, there are 2265 cancer beds in the country, of which 145 are intended for the treatment of children.
the Main objectives of the cancer research center of the MOH of RUz are:
Highly specialized diagnostic, therapeutic, Advisory assistance to cancer patients.
Conducting fundamental and applied research in Oncology.
Scientific-methodical, curatorial assistance to regional cancer clinics.
Screening, prevention of malignant tumors.
The main training base for the training of clinical residents,masters, research interns in Oncology, clinical radiology.