Doktor of the highest category Ahrarova Saidaxon Abdumanapovna 2000 year graduated from Tashkent Pediatrical medical institute GP. 2002 postgraduated from Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology Department Endocrinologist.Member of Medical oncologist of Uzbekistan. From 2008 works as endocrinologist in Pepublic Specialized Scientific Practical Center of Radiology and Oncology.

Doktor of first category Abdakhatova Hilola Bakhtiyarovna 2008 year graduated from Tashkent Pediatrical medical institute GP. 2010 postgraduated from Tashkent Medical Pediatrical institute Neurology Department Neurologist.Member of Medical oncologist of Uzbekistan. From 2013 works as neurologist in Pepublic Specilized Scientific Practical Center of Radiology and Oncology.

Doсtor of the highest category Aripkhodjaeva Munavvar Takhirovna 1980 year graduated from Tashkent medical institute. From 1984 year works radiotherapist in Republic Specialized Scientific Practical Center of Radiology and Oncology. 2000 year course of radiation therapy from Czech Republic. 2007, 2016 yy course of radiation therapy from Tashkent Institute for the Advanced training of Doctors. Member of Medical oncologist of Uzbekistan.

Hakimov Abdumavlyan Abdusalamovich is an oncologist of the highest category. In 1983 he graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1983-1984, he had an internship in the specialty of surgery in Tmiksh. From 1984 to 1987 year he worked as a reanimatologist in the city ambulance clinic. In 1987-1989 years Bximaga (academic V. V. scientific center of surgery.Go to: navigation, search since 1989 has been working in the Republican specialized oncology and oncology scientific-practical Medical Center. At the moment he works as a doctor in the consultation Polyclinic of Rio and RIATM. He actively participates in conferences of Republican and international scale with his scientific research.

In 2004, he graduated from the medical faculty of the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute and received a diploma “general practitioner". After graduating from the Institute in 2004, he worked at the family polyclinic No. 9 in Tashkent. In 2007, he successfully completed a master's degree in oncology. From 2007 to 2012 he worked as a junior researcher at RIO and riatm Clinical Science Grant. From 2012 to 2018, he worked in the Department of Musculoskeletal surgery. In 2014, he completed a course in the primary specialty of tumors of the musculoskeletal system. Since 2018, he has been working as a doctor at the center's advisory polyclinic.

Cardiosurgeon-oncodermatologist. Oncologist of the highest category. Member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan. In 1982 he completed an internship at the Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in 1987 - a clinical residency. Later, he regularly attended refresher courses. In accordance with the rules established in medical higher educational institutions, he simultaneously conducted clinical work: diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. Since 2004, he has been working at Rsnpmtsoir. Conducts clinical diagnosis of skin tumors and cryotherapy.

Head and neck tumors surgeon-Abdikarimov Azizbek Khurshidovich graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Institute in 2018 with a diploma of general practitioner of the Faculty of treatment. From 2018 to 2020 he graduated from the Republican specialized oncology and oncology scientific and practical medical center of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Abdikarimov Azizbek Khurshidovich from September 2020 to February 2021 worked as a doctor in the Department of Surgery of head and neck tumors of RIO and RIATM. From March 2021 to the present day he works as a doctor in the advisory Polyclinic of the center.

Doctor of the highest category, working in the chemo Suite of consultative polyclinic of the cancer research center since 1992. 1987-1988 – internship at the Department "Therapy" at the Tashkent state medical Institute. 1990-1992 - Passed clinical residency at the all-Union Center of Oncology at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. 1992 – present,the Doctor – Intern in Advisory polyclinic Snptower. Since 1992 works, chimioterapia Advisory polyclinic Snptower. He is receiving patients with various diagnoses (breast cancer, cervical cancer, brain tumors, tumors of the chest and abdomen) with concomitant and complicated pathology of various systems. Participates in consultations with participation of gynecologist, medical oncologist, ENT, oncologist, ophthalmologist, mammalogy, and other professionals. Gives recommendations and appointments for hospital treatment. Participates in various congresses, which are held in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Donier Abrarovich Kosimov was born in 1966, in a family of employees. Nationality: Uzbek. Doctor of the highest category, Candidate of medical Sciences. Since 1987, he has been working at the Republican Oncological Research Center of the Ministry of Health, where he worked his way from an orderly to a Chief physician (2006 - 2015). Since 1987, he has been working as an oncomammologist at our center.

Doctor Hayitova Anora Tаdjimuradovna 2007 year graduated from Tashkent Pediatrical medical institute GP. 2009 postgraduated from Pepublic Specilized Scientific Practical Center of Radiology and Oncology Department Onkology. Member of Medical oncologist of Uzbekistan. From 2014 works as onkology in Republic Specilized Scientific Practical Center of Radiology and Oncology.

Chugunova Galina Mikhailovna is an ophthalmologist of the highest category. Since 2012 year she works as an ophthalmologist in the consultation clinic of the oncology center. 1979-with 2003g he worked as the head of the Department of oncology. . During the activity of the center, he has repeatedly gained expertise and qualifications at the Research Institute of eye diseases in ophthalmology, oncology and onkooftalmology on the basis of stone. Helmhaltz.g Moscow. Doctor of the highest category from 1990 year. During the work onkooftalmologist mastered all methods of examination, diagnosis and treatment of eyes in children and adults (therapeutic and surgical), carried out consultation in other treatment institutions in Tashkent City. Since 2019 year, our center has been working as an oncooftalmologist.

Almardonov Rustam Boymurodovich, born in 1973, graduated from the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1997 with a degree in "medical care". From 1997 to 1998, he studied at the internship of the Department of Surgery of the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute. From 1998-1999 he worked as a doctor in the surgery department of the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute. From 1999 to 2001 he studied at the clinical residency in surgery of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute. From 2001 to 2005, he was a resident doctor of the thoracic department of the Republican Oncological Research Center. From 2006 to 2016, he worked as a doctor at the reception department of the Republican Cancer Research Center. From 2016 to 2021, he again worked as a resident doctor of the thoracic department of the RSNPMTSOIR. Since 2021, he has returned to the thoracic office of the center's advisory polyclinic.

Saydakhmedova Viloyatkhon Amirdinovna, born in 1989, graduated from the bachelor's degree of the Andijan State Medical Institute in 2016, the residency of the Republican Oncological Research Center in 2018. Since 2018, he has been working as an oncogynecologist at our center.

The head of the abdomen onkojarrohi-Rakhimov Sanatjon Sobirovich graduated in 2018 with a diploma of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the Faculty of treatment, General Practitioner. From 2018 to 2020 he graduated from the Republican specialized oncology and oncology scientific and practical medical center of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Rakhimov Sanatjon Sobirovich worked as a doctor in the abdominal Department of RIO and RIATM from September 2020 to September 2021. From September 2021 to the present day he works as a doctor in the advisory Polyclinic of the center.