Operational block



The operating Department has been functioning as a part of the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of Oncology and radiology since 2000. From 2003 to 2015 the operational Department “Snptower” led Babaev A. K. currently, the Department manages And G. Abdikarimov. The operating unit consists of nine operating rooms, which produce high-tech, combined and expanded operations. This is the heart of the hospital with modern equipment and excellent microclimate. Surgeons of the Centre have a huge experience in performing a variety of cancer operations.
Every year there is a tendency to increase the number of operations. In 2000, the surgeons of the centre produced about 2,000 operations, then today their number has doubled. High-quality surgical instruments, a wide range of sewing machines and much more are used to perform modern operations.
Surgeons are assisted by operating nurses, each of which has the highest qualification category. Staff nurses supervises senior nurse Azizov Asituation. The block honors the traditions laid down by the older generation, and gradually pass them on to young and most promising employees. The high quality of surgical interventions performed in the center and the low number of postoperative complications depend on many factors, one of which is the competent work of surgical nurses.

Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, 383 Farabiy str .
Contact phone: 71 246-23-74

Department of abdominal surgery

Abdominal oncosurgery is one of the important branches in oncosurgery, which deals with surgical treatment of oncological diseases of the abdominal cavity. Modern abdominal surgery “Snptower” is using the most recent advances in this area.

The Department carries out high-tech operations for all cancers of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.

Our therapeutic areas:
• Surgical treatment of gastric tumors
To date, in the Department carried out various volumes of radical surgery in the stomach, a year is about 100 interventions;
• Surgical treatment of liver and biliary tumors. Currently, there are about 50 operations on the liver and biliary tract in tumor lesions of this localization.
• Surgical treatment of pancreatic tumors. There are about 40 operations per year for pancreatic tumors.
• Surgical treatment of non-organ retroperitoneal tumors. There are 50 surgeries per year for this pathology.
• Surgical treatment of tumors of the duodenum and small intestine 12.

• Surgical treatment of gastric tumors
Extended and combined gastrectomy with the imposition of antireflux esophago-euroanaesthesia developed in our Department;
• creation of the I-type small-bowel tank by preservation 12.p. intestines into the digestive system after gastrectomy;
• creation of smallintestinal reservoir II-type without saving 12.p. intestines into the digestive system after gastrectomy;
• radical proximal and distal gastric resections.

• Surgical treatment of liver and biliary tumors
• Atypical liver resection;
• Bisegmentectomy and trisegmentectomy of the liver;
• Left and right hand hemihepatectomy of the liver;
• . Prostornaya and extended left hemihepatectomy of the liver;
• Resection of the biliary tract with the imposition of different types of anastomosis.

• Surgical treatment of pancreatic tumors
• Gastropancreatoduodenal resection
• Central resection of the pancreas;
• Distal Subtotal resection of the pancreas;
• Distal hemipancreatectomy.

• Surgical treatment of retroperitoneal tumor
• Removal of retroperitoneal tumor;
• Combined surgery for retroperitoneal tumors.

• Surgical treatment of duodenal and small bowel tumors
• Gastropancreatoduodenal resection
• Duodenectomy
• Radical resection of the small intestine.

General information about the Department


Branch manager:


Yakubov Yusufjon Kanaevich, since 1988 works in uncoordinated unit of the Republican Cancer Research Center. In 1994 he defended his thesis on “Ultrasound diagnostics in the complex diagnosis of lymphosarcoma of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.” In 2000, interned at toracoabdominale Department of the Russian Oncological Scientific Center named. Blokhin. Surgeon oncologist of the highest category, and is currently the academic head of Department and one of the leading surgeon uncoordinating branch of the cancer research center. Author of more than 50 scientific works. Conducts research work on the problem of tumors of the hepatoduodenal zone.
Phone: +998(71) 246-23-73

Head of Department:
Of X. Sanjarbek Sarvarovich, in 2006 graduated from a magistracy majoring in “Oncology” From 2006 to the present day works at the cancer research center. From 2006 to 2009 he worked in the Department of Coloproctology, engaged in scientific activities. In 2010 he defended his thesis on “Preoperative high-dose radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer.” Today is the head of the Department oncoendocrinology surgery. Author and co-author of more than 60 national and foreign scientific publications on gastrointestinal surgery, co-author of the monograph “stomach Cancer”. Sanzharbek Sarvarovich regularly visits and actively participates with reports in national and international congresses and congresses on surgery and Oncology, in particular at international scientific conferences in Berlin (2006), Barcelona (2008), Moscow (2008), Paris (2010), Kazan (2015), Gurgaon (2015). In January 2016, he completed a month-long internship in laparoscopic surgery at Medanta clinic, India. Today he is working on his doctoral work “New technologies in gastric cancer surgery”.

Doctors of Department:
Egamberdiev Dilshod Mahmudovich, in 2005 finished residency at the Republican Oncological Scientific Center. In 2006-2008, he completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Oncology TMA. Laureate of the State Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2008 Defended his thesis on ” the Results of expanded combined gastrectomy in locally advanced gastric cancer.” Author of more than 100 scientific works. Currently he works as a resident doctor of the Department of abdominal Oncology. He is a member of the Asian, American and European Association of Oncologists and oncologists (ACOS, ASCO, ESMO, ESSO), regularly participates in international congresses and conferences. He trained at the National cancer Institute of the United States, the international cancer center of Johns Hopkins University in Singapore, in IARC, the National cancer Center of Korea, etc.

Tuyev Husniddin the Nasriddinovich, in 2010 graduated from the clinical residency in the Republican Oncological Scientific Center. Since 2010 works as a medical doctor in uncoordinated unit of the Republican Cancer Research Center. Owns all operations in abdominal surgery. Currently conducts research work on “Optimization of reconstruction period gastropancreatoduodenal resection with tumor biliopancreatoduodenal zone”. Trained the cancer research center of RAMS them. N. N. Blokhin.
Of those Maksimkov Muminovic in 1970 residency in the all-Union surgical Institute. A. V. Vishnevsky in Moscow. In 1978 he defended his thesis. Since 1983 works as a senior researcher in the Department uncoordination the cancer research center. It is one of the leading surgeons uncoordinating branch of cancer research center owns all operations in abdominal surgery. At the moment, he is conducting research on the topic of hepatopancreatobiliary tumor and has published more than 70 scientific papers. Currently, he is working on the subject of improving extensive liver resection and the development of advanced high-tech methods of surgical treatment for common bilobar tumor lesions.

Eshonov Anvarjon Kamalovich. In 2006 he graduated from the clinical residency at the National Cancer Research Center. Since 2006 works as a surgical resident in uncoordinated unit of the Republican Cancer Research Center. Currently conducts research work on the topic of reconstructive restorative surgery for cancer of the stomach. Author of more than 40 scientific works. Oncologist of the first category.

Khudaiberdieva mashkhura Shavkatovna in 2006 graduated from the clinical residency at the Republican Cancer Research Center. In 2008-2011 she completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Oncology TMA. Owns all operations in abdominal surgery. At the moment, he is conducting research on “Recurrence of gastric cancer, the influence of prognostic factors, ways to improve early diagnosis and treatment.” Author of more than 60 scientific works.
Phone: +998(71) 246-23-73

Department of anesthesiology, intensive care


The Department of anesthesiology in the center was organized from the moment of its functioning(1966).In 1976, to improve the care of patients in the postoperative period was organized by the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care with intensive care units for 6 beds on a ‘voluntary basis’ by the Department of anesthesiology. The Department received legal status only in 1982 .In 2015, according to the measure of increase in surgical activity and beds of the center, the Department increased to 9 beds with the corresponding States .


-Resuscitation rooms are equipped with modern monitors, oxygen inhalers, ventilators, bedside monitors (ECG, pulse oximetry, BPD, non-invasive blood PRESSURE, thermometry).Is prolonged postoperative epidural anesthesia method for dosed continuous infusion. Treatment of patients in the Department is carried out by two specialist doctors spezialleuchten nurses .   All this creates the necessary conditions for a smooth and safe course of the recovery period after surgery and anesthesia, full intensive care of severe patients. Doctors of the Department conduct preoperative consultation of patients in order to identify and maximize the correction of risk factors for intra-and postoperative complications. Employees of the Department carry out anesthetic support of operations in 10 operating rooms equipped with modern anesthesia and breathing apparatus, monitors, syringe dispensers, defibrillators, pacemakers. The Department has implemented all modern methods of combined, combined anesthesia, including epidural, spinal and spinal-epidural anesthesia, which allows surgeons to perform complex high-tech operations, including in patients with severe concomitant diseases and severely limited functional reserves. Through the Department for the year passes 2500 – 2600 patients, some of whom spend hours here necessary to stabilize the basic vital functions of the body and then they are transferred to the specialized Department.Patients who underwent volume operations with severe somatic comorbidities or who are in a serious condition requiring resuscitation receive treatment for several days until the stabilization of the condition.


-Scientific work in the Department is carried out in the following areas: the choice of the method of regional anesthesia for advanced combined surgical interventions in Oncology; therapy of massive intraoperative blood loss in the intra-and postoperative period; optimization of respiratory support in difficult Airways through the use of new technologies. The individual output of research papers presented 14 abstracts published in national and international journals.

For respiratory support since 2000, the clinic used laryngeal masks, since 2008 -1 — Gei masks.

In recent years, the staff of the Department is actively introducing new methods appeared in practical anesthesiologists and resuscitators.


-Constantly improves his knowledge by training in refresher courses in Tashiuva and foreign clinics; so, the doctor Gaipov D. A in 2018 was in the Moscow cancer center and studied the technique of applying the venous port , and in may 2019 he studied in Turkey modern methods of ventilation.


– improvement of results of treatment of cancer patients by Hudayberdieva A. N. for the first time in Central Asia was used biochemisrty, simultaneously Carbo and biochemically, plasma feres, General controlled hyperthermia with hyperglycemia and chemotherapy reserved a dissertation for the title of a scientific degree candidate of medical Sciences.


-G. Abdikarimov And graduated from Tashkent state medical Institute in 1971 . The center has been working since 1976. Owns all modern methods and practical skills used in anesthesiologists – resuscitation and intensive care .He improved his skills in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He is a participant of many conferences and congresses devoted to the issues of Oncology, anesthesiology and resuscitation. In 1982-1985 he worked abroad (Algeria) as an anesthesiologist resuscitator. Has the highest qualification category in the specialty.


Currently, the Department employs 15 doctors, anesthesiologists and emergency physicians, including the head of Department.otdavaema G. A., K. M. Khudaiberdiev A. N. and Was E. T, A. T Mansurov, Chernysheva T. V., Hudayberdiev N. N, F. fayzullaeva T, Otaboev OH, Abdullayev Kh. N,AA Khasanov, D. Gaipov a, C And Husiev, Husanbaev N. And also two doctors are part time of deruralisation sh G Musaev A. D. Of the doctors in 8 people has the highest qualification category in the specialty.

Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city , 383 Farabiy str .

Contact phone: 71 246-23-74


The department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases:
-benign and malignant neoplasms of all parts of the large intestine (appendicular process, ascending part of colon, transverse colon, descending part of colon, sigmoid colon and rectum);
-benign and malignant neoplasms of the pelvis;

In the Department of Coloproctology of the RSNPMC OiR, manipulations and surgical interventions of all categories of complexity are performed: from minimally invasive diagnostic (laparascopy) to extended, combined surgical interventions (total colectomy, simultaneous bowel and bladder, liver, etc.).

In complex and advanced cases, in situations with lesions of several organs and systems, as well as with metastatic lesions, combined treatment methods are applied, including not only surgery, but also drug therapy and radiation therapy.
Treatment is carried out in cases where an individual approach is required, round-the-clock surveillance, advanced medical care, and the involvement of related specialists from other departments and medical centers.
The department performs endoscopic, minimally invasive and low-impact operations using modern high-resolution video equipment and the latest medical instruments from well-known international manufacturers of medical equipment, which makes it possible to meet the level of the world’s leading oncological clinics engaged in the treatment of pathology in coloproctology.

The following methods of high-tech medical care are successfully used in the Department of Coloproctology:
Colon cancer:
• combined treatment with the use of various neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy options, including simultaneous multicomponent therapy with the possibility of subsequent surgical treatment;
• extended operations: right-sided and left-sided hemicolectomy with D3 broad lymphissection, transverse colon resection with D3 wide lymphissection, sigmoidectomy with the imposition of high-tech hardware anastomosis;
• combined operations with resection of adjacent organs;

Rectal cancer:
• Surgical treatment: anterior resection of the rectum with the restoration of natural bowel emptying, anterior low and ultralow resection of the rectum with the restoration of natural bowel emptying (at the location of the tumor in the middle and low ampular rectum), synchronous surgery: synchronous two brigade abdominal-anal resection of the rectum with the restoration of natural bowel movement, synchronous two brigade abdominal-perineal extirpation of the rectum (Kenyu Miles operation), p Independent user, rear and complete removal of the pelvic organs (pelvic exenteration) and other combined, synchronous and simultaneous operation;
• Reconstructive surgery: the closure of ileo and colostrum with the restoration of natural bowel emptying through the use of high-tech modern circular and linear stapling apparatus.
• a combination of various techniques of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation therapy, including intraoperative intracavitary chemotherapy, with subsequent surgical treatment with the possibility of subsequent adjuvant therapy;
• endoscopic recanalization of the intestinal lumen, followed by simultaneous multicomponent chemoradiation therapy (including brachytherapy);
nonorganic pelvic tumors:
• surgically: there is a great experience in two-one brigade removal of nonorganic pelvic tumors;
• a combination of various techniques of neoadjuvant chemoradiation and chemoradiation therapy with subsequent surgical treatment with the possibility of subsequent adjuvant therapy;

The department has advanced experience of surgical interventions that combine not only the direct removal of a tumor, but also the simultaneous impact of physical and chemical anti-tumor factors that reduce the risk or prevent possible progression of the disease, prevent the appearance of metastases or destroy the existing ones.
Clinical studies, research in the framework of international protocols using the latest generations of drugs and modern treatment approaches are continuously conducted at the department. The department has patents for its own development in the treatment of malignant tumors of the colorectal region and the small pelvis.
The scientific head of the department is Islamov Hurshid Djamshidovich, candidate of medical sciences.

Phone: +99871-2469931;

The head of the department is Ten Yakov Volichevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Phone: work: + 99871-2462576;
e.mail: cockdealer@mail.ru

Department doctors:
Oncosurgeon of the highest category – Ph.D. Bobokulov Hamrokul Burievich.

Oncosurgeon of the first category, Matniyazova Shakar Yakubovna.

Oncosurgeon physician of the first category Karakhodzhaev Botir Shokirovich

Researcher, Ziyaev Yakhyo Pazlitdinovich. – head of the international department

Department of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is a method of treating neoplastic and a number of non-neoplastic diseases using ionizing radiation (AI). Special devices generate AI and direct it to the desired target, as a result of which the process of division of tumor cells stops. Radiation therapy is one of the three leading treatments for cancer. Along with surgical and medicinal methods of treatment, radiation therapy for some diseases allows for a complete cure. Currently, radiation therapy is used in more than 75% of cases in the treatment of cancer. Like chemotherapy, treatment using AI can be used as an independent method of treatment, and can be accompanied by surgery.
Today, in our center, radiation treatment is carried out on high-tech equipment. For remote irradiation in 2018, the center installed the newest medical linear accelerator in the world – Electa Infinity. Electa Infinity is a fully digital system designed specifically for the use of modern radiotherapy techniques.

The device focuses on stereotactic radiosurgery and stereoxic radiation therapy. Distinctive features of the fifth generation system – Electa Infinity: high accuracy, fast speed, safety.
High accuracy – using the XVI system, the clinical images provided by the Electa Infinity machine allow you to scan the lesion and obtain information about its exact location, detect damage to the organ in real time.
Fast speed – the newest Infinity device also uses the FFF technique (Without smoothing matting filters), which provides instant penetration of a super-powerful dose into the hearth.
Safety – the maximum degree of protection of the surrounding tumor tissue, achieved through the integrated multi-beam optical grid. The system has 160 petals, the projection width of each petal is 5 mm at the isocenter, while the transmittance is reduced by 0.5%, which greatly enhances the design ability, making it possible to minimize the radiation dose to the patient as a whole.

By setting a new level in dose accuracy, speed and efficiency of digital control, the Elekta Infinity linear accelerator allows the use of modern rotational irradiation techniques for the maximum number of patients. Elekta Infinity provides an unrivaled level of dose conformance and speed of the procedure, as well as maximum patient safety due to ultra-low intensity of irradiation of structures outside the target. Possessing optimal performance for VMAT (arc modulation by volume), the Elekta Infinity system reduces the time of therapeutic treatment, allowing a significant reduction in the radiation dose received by intact tissues around the tumor. Extensive imaging capabilities, combined with the most advanced irradiation capabilities in the rotational mode, can significantly increase the dose directly into the tumor, compared with standard techniques, reducing the irradiation time by more than 50%. This technique makes it possible to treat several zones, while increasing the dose on the target, with a sparing mode of irradiation of healthy tissues.
For remote radiation therapy this year it is planned to install a linear accelerator – Electa Synergy, and remote gamma-therapeutic equipment TERABALT-100.

Brachytherapy. The term “brachytherapy” is derived from two Greek words meaning “short distance” and “treatment”. Brachytherapy has been used for many years. It is proven that it is an effective and safe method for the treatment of endometrial cancer, mammary glands, prostate and other organs. Brachytherapy for cervical cancer helps to preserve the organ and reproductive function of women. This treatment reduces the risk of long-term side effects of radiation therapy.
Since 2002, brachytherapy has been performed by us on the “Gamma Med plus” device. The use of “soft-energy” radiation of iridium-192 allows to bring a high local dose to the irradiated volume necessary for resorption of the tumor and significantly reduce the radiation dose of the tissues and organs adjacent to the tumor. Today, equipment is being upgraded to the level of “Gamma Med plus iX”.

A new brachytherapy equipment has been purchased and is being prepared for installation – ELEKTA Flexitron.

The Radiotherapy Department of the Center provides radiation therapy for the following oncological diseases:

– Sarcoma of soft tissues;
– Malignant tumors of the female genital organs;
– Tumors of the cervix;
– Tumors of the body of the uterus;
– Cancer of the vulva;
-Lungs’ cancer;
– Cancer of the anal canal;
– Prostate cancer;
-Rectal cancer;
– Tumors of the oral cavity;
– Tumors of the nasopharynx and oropharynx;
– Tumors of the larynx;
– Tumors of the head and neck;
– Tumors of the maxillary sinus;
– Combined radiation therapy.

Contact department:
Address: Tashkent Shaykhantakhur district, Farobi street 383.
Tel: (71) 246-98-61


Department history

 The history has almost 40 years. At the origins of its formation –  a talented scientist and  best  organizer of health care, Professor Dr. med. Makhmudov S.F. headed the department in the period from 1977 to 1997. Under the guidance of prof. S.F. Makhmudov in 1977 a group of onco-mammologists was assembled: Sharipov OF, Egamberdiev O.Yu., Sharapova N.G. And in 1984, the Republican Center for Breast Medicine was opened as part of the department. From 1997 to 2012, the department was headed by Prof. Dr. med. A.V. Khodjaev   From 2012 to today, the Department of onco-mammology is headed by Dr. med. L.T. Alimhodjaeva, head of MD. N.E. Makhmudova.

Directions of our department

The department has a unique experience in treating the entire spectrum of breast diseases, ranging from benign tumors to background diseases (all types of mastopathy), which are an optional or obligate precancerous process. The main research areas of the department are: the study of the pathogenesis of breast cancer, the development and improvement of methods of organ-preserving and functionally-sparing surgical treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms, including reconstructive plastic surgery. Taking into account the results of modern survey methods, individual, personalized treatment approaches are developed. More than a third of patients with the initial stages of breast cancer manage to preserve the mammary gland and achieve good aesthetic results. All the most modern types of surgical interventions that meet international standards are introduced into the practice of the department. Preference is given to various types of quadrantectomy with simultaneous reduction of the mammary gland parenchyma, as well as radical operations with simultaneous reconstruction of their own tissues, including the use of a skin-muscular flap based on the widest back muscle (TDL) with the formation of vascular anastomoses and the use of microsurgical techniques. If it is impossible to perform organ-preserving surgery, in particular, with a multicentric tumor growth, a radical mastectomy is performed with simultaneous plastic surgery with its own tissues. More than 70% of patients receive highly effective combined and complex treatment using the most modern drugs. Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 4, 2017 No. PP-2866 “On measures for further development of the oncological service and improvement of oncological assistance to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021”: an integral system has been created providing oncological medical care to the population. The department staff conducts monthly visits to all regions of our Republic, with the goal of firstly examining women in the field, identifying early forms of cancer and precancerous breast diseases, conducting master classes and raising the level of primary care physicians, developing pilot screening programs for early detection of breast cancer.

Types of surgical interventions performed in the department:

-Sectoral resection of the mammary gland with  no-oncological tumors.-Radical resection of the mammary gland with simultaneous reconstruction of local tissues (oncoplastic resection). -Including using the skin-muscle flap based on the latissimus dorsi (TDL) with the formation of a vascular anastomoses and the use of microsurgical techniques.-Quadrantectomy with simultaneous reduction of the breast parenchyma and axillary lymph node dissection.-Radical resection of the mammary gland with simultaneous mast reduction of both mammary glands according to BATWING.-Radical mastectomy for Madden.

The scientific work of the department

The main scientific activity of the department is the search and use of new, effective methods of treating patients with breast cancer. New diagnostic methods based on molecular biological, genetic, immunohistochemical studies are being developed.These approaches, in turn, allow you to individualize treatment tactics. Researchers and post-graduate students of the department perform a number of important and modern scientific research, regularly speak at international medical congresses, and undergo training at leading clinics in Europe.Employees of the department published more than 270 articles and abstracts. More than 10 methodical recommendations, 4 monographs, 18 patents for invention were issued. The department is working on a grant. PZ 201709245 “Development of methods for predicting breast cancer in young women on the basis of molecular genetic and pathological aspects.” And also the dissertation work on the topic: “The role of molecular biological markers in the treatment and prognosis of breast cancer in young women.” Candidate junior researcher L.T. Zakirova.

The scientific head of the department is Alimkhodjaeva Lola Telmanovna, doctor of medical sciences, a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), the European Society of Mammologists (EUSOMA), a member of the Uzbekistan Oncologists Association (AOUZ). Address: Almazar district, st. Farobium -383.

Phone: Job: + 99871-246-28-07

Scientific consultant of the department is Khodzhaev Abduvakhid Valievich, doctor of medical sciences, professor, member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ)

The head of the department is Makhmudova Nigora Erkinovna, PhD, a member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ).

Leading Research Fellow – Nigmanova Nigora Anvarovna, PhD, a member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ).

Junior Researcher – Lola Zakirova, a member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ)

Doctor resident – Kasimov Donier Abrorovich, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ)

Doctor resident – Shamansurova Nodira Saidaripovna, a member of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUZ).

Address: Almazar district, st. Farobium -383. Phone: Job: + 99871-246-28-07

Department of Head and Neck Tumors

The term “Head and Neck tumors” describes malignant neoplasms of various histological structures localized on the mucous membrane of the lips, in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and cervical esophagus, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, salivary glands. The general concept of “Head and Neck tumors” does not include tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), eye tumors, primary tumors of the lymphatic system, tumors of the nervous and endocrine systems, which can also develop in this anatomical region.

Areas in which we deal:
• tumors of the scalp and neck
• tumors of the jaws
• tumors of the lips
• salivary gland tumors
• tumors of the oral mucosa
• tumors of the tongue
• tumors of the thyroid gland
• pharyngeal tumors
• tumors of the cervical esophagus
• laryngeal tumors
• soft tissue tumors of the neck
• tumors of the skull base
• tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

More than 400 operations are carried out annually in the department, including about 100 high-tech and combined operations. The following operations are carried out in the department:
• different variants of cervical lymph node dissection
• total thyroidectomy
• parotidectomy
• laryngectomy
• resection of the larynx
• resection of hypopharynx
• excision of tumors of the skin and soft tissues of the head-neck by replacing the defect using free skin-muscular flap
• removal of nasopharyngeal tumors
• resection of the upper and lower jaws
• resection of the tongue, cheek, floor of the mouth
• various types of reconstructive plastic surgery – reconstruction of the mandible, oral cavity and pharynx using skin-muscle flaps
• reconstruction of the lower jaw with titanium metal plates
• for tumors of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and the base of the skull, extended-combined surgical procedures are performed.
The main scientific direction of the department:
The department conducts scientific work in the following areas:
• Epidemiological features of laryngeal cancer and the importance of molecular biological markers in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the disease;
• Optimization of treatment of patients with laryngopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma based on the study of prognostic factors;
• Optimization of treatment methods for locally advanced thyroid cancer;
• Development and improvement of reconstructive-restorative operations in patients with tumors in the head and neck;
• Improved treatment of soft tissue head and neck tumors.


Scientific Supervisor of the Department – Khasanov Akbar Ibrahimovich, DSc.
Phone. (work): +998(71) 246-05-12

Head of Department – Shukurov Zokhir Ibragimovich.
Phone. (work): +99871-246-24-15


Doctors of the Department:

Otorhinolaryngologist-oncologist surgeon – Bekmirzaev Rahimjon Meliquzievich CSc.

Otorhinolaryngologist-oncologist surgeon – Nishonboev Latifjon Solijonovich


Department of Gynecology

In the structure of cancer incidence gynecological pathologies occupy leading position after breast cancer. Diagnosis and treatment of oncological gynecological  diseases is carried out on the basis of standards approved by the Ministry of Health. These standards are based on the American (NCCN) and European (ESMO) protocols.

What are we doing:Department of gynecology based on RSSPC oncology and radiology assists modern and qualified in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer and precancerous diseases of the female reproductive system.The doctors of our department are members of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan (AOUz),  international gynecological societies such as European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO), ESMO (European Society For Medical Oncology), International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS). The range of operations performed on the basis of our department varies from minimally invasive interventions, which are carried out to clarify the diagnosis or treatment of pre cancerous pathology, to more complex, combined operations on the patients with advanced cancer process. Our highly qualified doctors have all the necessary stages of operations that are performed in gynecology.We cooperate with other specialists of our center in order to select the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient. All the most difficult cases that require a non-standard approach to treatment, are discussed by a multidisciplinary consultation which consists of leading experts of our center.Only a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the patient guarantees, that every woman will get the right treatment for her. This is the main purpose of our department. Our directions:Treatment of benign, borderline and malignant tumors of the female genital organs:Benign·         myoma, adenomyosis uteri, simple and complex hyperplasia of the endometrium,  benign ovarian tumors, CIN  of various degrees in combination with another gynecological pathology;·         atypical endometrial hyperplasia;·         border tumors of the ovary;·         Leukoplakia and Kraurosis of the vulva


Malignant·         Uterine cancer;·         Cervical cancer;·         Ovarian cancer;·         Cancer of the vulva;·         Trophoblastic disease. The range of diagnostic and therapeutic  activities:·         Neoadjuvant chemotherapy;·         Targeted therapy;·         Endoarterial chemotherapy.·         Minimally invasive operations:

–  Puncture biopsy of the posterior vaginal fornix, abdominal cavity, laparocentesis.

–  Trepan biopsy tumors of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;

– Biopsy of tumors of the vulva, vagina and cervix with pathological study

– Diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal and uterine cavity with pathological study

– Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) cervix with pathological study.

– Diagnostic hysteroscopy.·

Surgery for diseases of the external genital organs:

–  Vulvectomy

– Extended vulvectomy.  (Vulvectomy and Ducken operation).

– Removal of vaginal tumors.·

Diagnostic laparoscopy.·

Open (cavital) surgery of the genital organs:

– Myomectomy.

– Tubovariectomy (single or bilateral).

– Amputation of the uterus with and without tubovariectomy + Omentectomy.

– Hysterectomy with and without tubovariectomy.

– Hysterectomy with and without tubovariectomy + Omentectomy.·

High-tech operations:

– Radical hysterectomy.

– Radical hysterectomy with ovarian transposition.

– Trachelectomy.

– Pelvic Exenteration (anterior, posterior and total).


Our contacts:

In order to get a consultation with a specialist of our department, you must first make an appointment by phone: +99890/1689079; +99890/9508172

Address: Tashkent city, Shaykhantakhur district, Farobiy street 383.On the basis of outpatient department RSSPMCOandR there is a consulting room №15You must have the results of all surveys, which were held at the place of residence.


For the first time in our Republic specialised ocular oncology service has started to appear since 1965 when in a  consultative polyclinic of Scientific Research Institute OR HM UzR. the eye office has started to work.

The primary goal ocular oncology department is realization of the advisory, medical-diagnostic help by the patient with tumors and pretumoral diseases of eyes and its appendages, and also the methodical help to ophthalmologists of the Republic Uzbekistan.

The arrangement  in structure National Oncology Scientific Centre Healthcare Ministre of the  Rep. of  Uzbekistan, instead of in ophthalmologic establishment has a number of advantages, from which the most important are presence of branches beam and chemotherapies, branches of beam diagnostics (СТ, ultrasonic, a X-ray, radio isotope), presence of clinical branches on other specialties, and also presence of scientific laboratories of genetics, immunology, the branch of pathologic anatomy, demanding high technology equipments, the prepared experts, and specially constructed buildings;. All it allows to spend scientific and medical work together with other divisions, to carry out consultations and consultations, to carry out joint operations with adjacent specialties.

Now in the ocular oncolgy under the guidance of Z.S.Islamov ( MD) scientists work: R.H.Usmanov; phisicians: D.T.Rahmatullaeva (p.h.d.) and D.A.Agzamhodzhaeva (p.h.d).

In 2012 R.H. Usmanov has passed through the International Council of Ophthalmology training in Finland, Helsinki. Scientists and physicians of the ocular oncology department now work over problems of prevalence, genetic predisposition, possibility of early diagnostics and complex ultrasonic diagnostics, application of new methods of treatment retinoblastoma. Conducting research on genetic screening and organ-saveing treatment of intraocular tumors. There is also work on the study of apoptosis in cancer patients after chemo- and radiotherapy.


Address: Almazar district, st. Farobium -383.
Office phone +998(71) 246-98-86

Department of tumors of the musculoskeletal system


Department of thoracic surgery

History of the Department

Department of thoracic Oncology, cancer research center of the MOH of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized in 1968 in the staff of Scientific research Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Uz NII Oir). The purpose of creating a specialized thoracic Department was to provide qualified oncological surgical care to patients with malignant neoplasms of the lung, esophagus and mediastinal organs. The Department was deployed on 40 beds.

The founder of the formation of the Department and its team is doctor of medical Sciences Kochegarov AA (“Ways to improve the treatment of patients with esophageal cancer” Oncology -14.00.14. 1981g), whose name is associated for the first time made in Uzbekistan radical surgery on the esophagus and lung cancer. Developing the practical activity of the Department, new methods of treatment in Oncology were developed and scientifically substantiated. Under the leadership of A. A. Kochegarov. (1968-1990) the school of oncothoracic specialists developed, whose contribution raised the Department to a leading place in the health care system not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the former USSR. Students kochegarova A. A. were: PhD of Alinazarov sh. R (“Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of methods of conservative therapy of esophageal cancer” Oncology -14.00.14. 1983); PhD Odnako P. K., K. M. B. Bakirov, S. A. (“Assessment and selection of optimal methods of treatment of patients with cancer of the thoracic esophagus,” Oncology -14.00.14. 1993), PhD Maksimkov of J. M. (“______” Oncology -14.00.14. 1988), Ph. D. Prokudina T.P. (Invagination esophageal-intestinal (gastric) anastomosis in the surgical treatment of cancer of the proximal part of the stomach with the transition to the esophagus” Oncology -14.00.14. 1987); Ph. D. Tukhvatulin R. K. (“Endoprosthesis in the complex treatment of nonresectable cancer of the esophagus and proximal stomach with severe dysphagia” Oncology -14.00.14. 1994). Many of them continue to work in various cancer and other medical institutions not only in Uzbekistan but also abroad.
The office was gradually added to the following professionals: Ph. D. kahharov George.N. (“Complex intrapleural therapy of non-resectable lung tumors” Oncology -14.00.14. 1999); PhD Kasymov D. A. (“Ethnic and environmental issues of lung cancer in Uzbekistan” Oncology -14.00.14. 1999); Khairutdinov R. V. (Ph. D. 1995); Vasilchenko V. A., Ph. D. Grigoryants A. (“Endoscopic laser destruction of the tumor in the complex treatment of inoperable patients with cancer of the esophagus and proximal stomach” Oncology -14.00.14. 1990), Ph. D. Lyubshin V. I. (“Evaluation and methods of selection of surgical and combined treatment of pack of the thoracic esophagus” Oncology -14.00.14. 1990).
From 2000 to 2014, Professor N. Krotov Was appointed the scientific head of the Department.F. Under the guidance of Professor Krotov N. F. employees of the Department for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the thoracic and abdominal cavities introduced minimally invasive methods of surgery – video endoscopic intervention, which is a modern achievement of surgery. The Department conducted research in the following areas: the Use of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic interventions in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer diseases of the thoracic and abdominal cavities; Determining the efficacy of prolonged intra-arterial catheter chemotherapy in inoperable lung cancer; the Improvement of techniques of surgical interventions for cancer of the esophagus; the Development and introduction in clinical practice, evaluation of the effectiveness of a new antireflux esophagogastrostomy in reconstructive operations for cancer of the intrathoracic part of the esophagus; the Application of brachytherapy with local hyperthermia and hyperglycemia in unresectable cancer of the esophagus. The Department was replenished with the following specialists: Ph. D. Davydov R. A. (“Possibilities of thoracoscopy and laparoscopie in determining resectability cancer of the esophagus and kardioezofagealnoy zone” Oncology -14.00.14. 2005), PhD Imams O. A. (“Assessment of efficiency of long regional intraarterial chemotherapy in unresectable lung cancer” Oncology -14.00.14. 2007), MD Khairutdinov R. V. (“Development and improvement of diagnosis and treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer” Oncology -14.00.14. 2011).
From 2014 to 2016, Dr. Khairutdinov R. V. was appointed the scientific head of the Department.
From February 2016 academic adviser of the Department appointed MD of Usupbekov A.
Since the establishment of the Department staff engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. Now it is the leading profile clinic of the Republic of Uzbekistan where modern methods of diagnostics, surgical and combined treatment of patients with a lung cancer based on high surgical professionalism continue to be improved. The experience of surgical treatment of lung cancer is more than 15,000 operations. Operations are usually combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The Department also uses modern methods of diagnosis, surgical and combined treatment of patients with tumor and precancerous diseases of the esophagus and cardioesophageal zone. In the treatment of esophageal and cardioesophageal cancer, the surgical method is still the main one. During the period of existence of the Department for tumors of the esophagus and cardioesophageal zone, more than 20,000 surgical interventions were performed. In the period from 2000 to 2013 under the guidance of Professor Krotov N. F. the modern strategy of treatment of this heavy category of patients which consists in application of the expanded and expanded-combined operations with obligatory abdominal, mediastinal and cervical lymph node dissection is developed and systematized. Improvement of surgical technique transthoracic and transdiafragmal of esophagectomy (the use of video-assisted esophagectomy and mediastinal lymphodissection when transdiafragmal of esophagectomy), the development and implementation of safe neporozhnego (on the neck) and intrathoracic esophago-gastric anastomosis, significantly reduced the number of complications after resection of the esophagus and kardioezofagealnoy zone, to minimize such a formidable complication as the failure of seams esophageal anastomosis.

Modern activity

The Department uses modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of various tumors of the mediastinum (diagnostic thoracoscopy and videothoracoscopy, transthoracic needle biopsy of mediastinal tumours under the control of ULTRASOUND and CT scan, removal of mediastinal tumor with resection of adjacent structures).
Currently, the scientific and practical activity of the Department of thoracic Oncology is carried out in the following areas:
1.Application of endoscopic surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological pathologies of the thoracic and abdominal cavities;
2.Implementation of the developed in the clinic of a new antireflux esophagogastrostomy in reconstructive plastic surgery (transthoracic, transdiaphragmatic and trendstone) for cancer of the esophagus and stomach.
3.The improvement of techniques of surgical interventions for cancer of the esophagus (choice of access depending on location of cancer, the use of video-assisted esophagectomy and mediastinal lymphodissection when transdiafragmal of esophagectomy).
4.Optimization of diagnosis and surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors;
5.Improving the results of diagnosis and treatment of metastatic lung disease;

The staff of the Department:

Scientific head of Department – MD of Usupbekov Absorbed Ahmadjonovich.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2460512

Scientific head of Department – MD of Usupbekov Absorbed Ahmadjonovich.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2460512

Scientific head of Department – MD of Usupbekov Absorbed Ahmadjonovich.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2460512

Thoracic surgeon, researcher of Magierow Bakhtiyor Toshpulatovich.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2271750

Thoracic surgeon, Usmanov Bekzod Boymatov.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2271750

Thoracic oncologist-surgeon, PhD’raev Elyor Ergashevich.
Phone (slave.): +99871-2271750

Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city , farabiy str. 383

Department of urology

Department of urology of the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of Oncology and radiology of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the leading Department engaged in treatment of oncological pathologies of the genitourinary system using the latest standards and methods of treatment. The Department is equipped with high-tech modern equipment that allows you to perform complex operations and accelerates the process of postoperative recovery.

Currently the Department is headed by doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Tillashaykh of Mirzagali Nigmatovich, laureate of the State prize, member of the European and American Associations of urology, Russian society of oncourology (ROOU) and the Scientific society of urologists of Uzbekistan. He is the author of more than 600 publications on tumors of the genitourinary system, which is a leader in the field of oncourology in Uzbekistan and abroad, the organizer of international conferences on Oncology, urology and organization of cancer service.

Thanks to the coordinated work of doctors under his leadership, the Department carries out all types of operations used in oncourological diseases recommended by the European Association of urologists, including such unique operations as nephrectomy with thrombectomy from the inferior Vena cava and with the spread to the atrium, as well as reconstructive plastic surgery with the formation of various options for heterotopic and orthotopic urinary tanks.

Embedded in the broad practice of laparoscopic, minimally invasive surgery. Minimally invasive techniques and less surgical trauma lead to a reduction in the patient’s hospital stay, economic effect, minimize pain, and also allows you to get a good cosmetic effect due to small cuts on the skin. The use of modern technologies and the possibility of a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with the use of drug and radiation therapy in combination with surgical treatment contributes to a significant improvement in the results of treatment.

Medical care is provided to patients from all regions of the Republic, as well as from near and far abroad.

Qualified medical staff has good theoretical training and extensive practical experience, annually undergoing training in leading clinics of the world, constantly participating in international and regional conferences. The Department conducts extensive scientific work, seminars and workshops with cadets, residents and masters. Master classes on laparoscopic operations are held together with foreign specialists. The Department defended 4 doctors of medical Sciences and 7 candidates of medical Sciences.

The range of therapeutic and diagnostic endourological manipulations and operations performed in the Department:

– Cystoscopy (if necessary biopsy)

– Ureterorenoscopy.

– Percutaneous nephrostomy, cystostomy.

– Stenting of the ureter.

– Transurethral resection of the bladder.

– Endoscopic removal of urethral formation

Types of laparoscopic surgery performed:

– Nephrectomy with extended lymphadissection;

– Nephrectomy with thrombectomy from the inferior Vena cava and atrium ( with locally advanced form of kidney tumor)

– Partial nephrectomy (resection of the kidney);

– Nephroureterectomy with resection of the bladder


-Cystectomy/setproctitle with iliac obturator the limfadissektsiya;

-Reconstructive plastic surgery for the formation of heterotopic and orthotopic urinary tanks

-Radical prostatectomy

-The operation of Chevassu (for tumors of the testis);

-Exenteration of pelvic organs (with tumor lesions of the bladder, uterus, cervix, rectum);


-Replacement urethroplasty.

Reconstructive surgery of the external male genital organs.

Team oncourology Snptower:

Tillashaykh of Mirzagali Nigmatovich– Professor, MD, head of Department;

Boyko Olena V.– candidate of medical Sciences head of the Department;

Rakhimov Nodir Muhammadawi – M. D.;

Nodir Abdusamatov Tahirovic – oncourology;

Khasanov Sherali Tastemirova – oncourology.

Department contacts:

Tel: (71) 246-98-81

Department of chemotherapy


Chemotherapy General Information

Chemotherapy of malignant tumors is the use of drugs that inhibit proliferation or irreversibly damage tumor cells. Historically, under the name of “chemotherapy” often began to combine all methods of drug effects on the tumor, and the department, conducting such a treatment, called “Department of chemotherapy.” However, the possibilities of drug treatment of tumors are now much wider than the very modest set of chemotherapy drugs available in the 1960s and 1970s, when the “chemotherapy departments” appeared. And, despite the preservation of the historical name of the specialty – “chemotherapy”, physicians, chemotherapists along with “classic” cytostatics (chemotherapy) now use completely new drugs, and even classes of drugs to influence the tumor – endocrinotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy etc.

Drug treatment of tumors in general, and chemotherapy in particular, is an important component of the treatment of cancer patients. Often, especially in the treatment of solid (not hematological) tumors, it is used as one of the components of the combined or complex treatment methods, i.e. used in combination with surgery, radiation therapy. This allows you to potentiate (mutual enhancement) the effectiveness of treatment, when the total benefit from the use of several methods of influence on the tumor is greater than when using them separately. In most cases, this approach is used in the early stages of malignant neoplasms. In such situations, anticancer drugs, administered before (neoadjuvant therapy) or after (adjuvant therapy) surgical removal of the tumor, are able to destroy the microscopic screenings of tumor cells (micrometastases), which the tumor managed to give before its removal. Without additional medical treatment, despite the radical surgical removal of the primary tumor, micrometastases would retain their viability and some time later caused the return of the disease (relapse), significantly worsening the prognosis of the disease. For example, even in the early stages of breast cancer in the 1940s and 50s, when only a surgical method of treatment was used (radical mastectomy), only half of the patients had a chance to defeat the disease. The emergence and active use of adjuvant drug treatment has increased the chance of recovery to almost 90%. Moreover, the use of adjuvant (neoadjuvant) treatment in some cases allowed, without prejudice to oncological efficacy, to reduce the volume of operations performed – instead of a radical mastectomy that completely “carries away” the mammary gland, more and more safe operations began to be used. There are significant successes in the use of adjuvant treatment of a number of other malignant tumors – colon and rectal cancer, osteogenic sarcoma, head and neck tumors, stomach cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.

Applied drug treatment of tumors and as an independent treatment option. Often this approach is used if there are already distant tumor metastases. However, the presence of distant metastases in a number of malignant tumors has ceased to be synonymous with the impossibility of treatment. For trophoblast tumors, germ cell tumors of the testicles and ovaries, colorectal cancer, osteogenic sarcoma, tumors of the Ewing sarocoma family, small cell lung cancer, medical treatment with or without subsequent surgical removal (irradiation) of tumor foci allows cure. For example, with germ cell tumors of the testicle, even in the presence of multiple metastatic foci, adequate drug therapy can cure up to 90% of patients. However, even if complete cure is not possible, modern anticancer therapy has been able to for a long time restrain the progression of many tumors. Over the years, the disease can be controlled in a number of patients with prostate, breast, colon and rectal, ovarian, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, etc. There are therapeutic perspectives in a number of patients with non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, cancer of the kidney, stomach – with diseases in which previously (in the case of distant metastases), doctors could offer almost nothing to patients.

Improving the effectiveness of drug therapy of tumors is carried out in different directions. The main ones are the creation of new, more selectively acting on tumor cells drugs with a smaller spectrum of side effects on normal, intensively proliferating tissues; optimization of methods of using drugs (regimen, dosage); the use of combinations of two or more drugs(polychemotherapy); improvement of chemotherapy as a part of complex and combined treatment options; the use of other drugs to reduce the side effects of anticancer drugs, etc. Special attention is paid to the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, their mechanisms of action, as well as overcoming the natural and acquired resistance of tumor cells to cytokines. On the basis of the data obtained, the most rational methods are being developed for the use of already known and the creation of new effective antitumor agents.


The advances in molecular biology, which allowed to establish patterns of the cell cycle and its control mechanisms, maintaining genetic stability and signal transduction pathways from the receptors to the nucleus, opened up prospects for creating molecular targeted drugs that were called targeted (trastuzumab, imatinib, erlotinib, gefitinib, ipilimumab, vemurafenib , sunitinib, pazopanib, etc.). Introduction to clinical practice of antihormones (antiandrogens, antiestrogens, aromatase inhibitors, LH-RH superagonists) made it possible to conduct effective and at the same time low-toxic treatment of hormone-dependent tumors. The use of biological response modifiers (immunotherapy) significantly expanded the possibilities of drug treatment of a number of malignant tumors.


The Department of Chemotherapy has existed in the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology since 1967.

The department has a stationary unit, which includes 2 offices for 22 and 40 beds. Every year, more than 1,000 patients in the department receive treatment for tumor lesions of various organs and systems as an independent method or as a component of combined or complex treatment options.




The main directions of scientific and practical activities of the department are:
1.Conducting research aimed at developing new and improving the existing methods of drug therapy for solid malignant tumors of almost all localizations based on current advances.
2.Development of methods of drug therapy in combination with surgical and radiotherapy as part of internal integration with the adjacent units of the center.
3.Development of methodological approaches to the individualization of treatment tactics of cancer, depending on the tumor nosology.
4.Reviewing and referencing articles, guidelines, theses, monographs in the framework of current research work.
5.Writing scientific articles, guidelines, manuals for doctors, monographs.
6.Participation in international events on oncological topics, training in leading cancer centers in order to improve the provision of highly qualified care for cancer patients at the level of international standards of treatment.
7.Carrying out the medicinal method of treatment in an independent, combined and integrated plan regarding solid malignant tumors of various localizations in outpatient and inpatient conditions.
8.Providing advice to medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional branches of the center.
9.Conducting training of scientific personnel and practical medical doctors for oncological institutions. Participation in conducting certification cycles.
10.Promotion of medical science achievements, conducting educational work in the media



IBRAGIMOV JAMSHID MAKHAMADALIEVICH – Head of chemotherapy-2 department.

Information: 2000-2007. bachelor – Medical-pedagogical faculty of Tashkent Medical Academy (till 2005 1st Tash.State.Med.Inst.).

2007-2010. the magistracy of the Tashkent Medical Academy, in the direction of General Oncology. From 2010 to 2014. a resident in the Department of chemotherapy-1, Republican Oncological Scientific Center (ROSC) of the Health  Ministry of Uzbekistan. In 2014-2016yy. – Junior researcher,Ccancer research center. From April 2016 to the present time  – Head of the chemotherapy Department-2. He is a member of AOUZ (Association of oncologists of Uzbekistan), ASCO (American Association of clinical oncologists), ESMO (European Association of medical oncologists), ESO (European school of oncologists). He has more than 40 publications (abstracts and articles), more than 10 of them in foreign publications such as “BREAST”, “Annals of oncology”, “Clnical Nutrition”, “Eurasian cancer journal” , etc. Participated in many international congresses and conferences with poster presentation. In the national conferences with oral presentations.

Internships and training: In 2015y. – specialization in chemotherapy – on the basis of TashIUV. Course on “Lymphoma and leukemia” in Ascona (Switzerland) organized by “ESO” in 2015. Participated in a seminar-course on Immuno-Oncology in Amsterdam (Netherlands) by ESMO grant. In 2017 at the international cancer virotherapy center in Riga (Latvia). In January 2018y. internship in the clinic “LIV hospital” Istanbul (Turkey). The last internship on “Immunotherapy and targeted cancer therapy” in the Bashkent University clinic of Ankara (Turkey).

Since 2017, every month regularly visits the regional branches of the center with reports and master classes on the subject, goes to the regional med. institutions for consultation and examination of patients. Appears on local media.

Contacts: Tel.:+998712469863





Izrailbekova Kamila Shavkatovna. 13.09.1987 year of birth.  In 2012 she graduated from the Tashkent Medical Academy as a General practitioner and teacher. In 2014 he completed residency training in the specialty of Oncology. Since 2014 he has been working in the National cancer research center of Oncology and radiology. Junior research fellow : the Role of molecular -genetic and immunological markers in the study of mechanisms of primary multiple tumors. She participated in the development of the program – determining the avidity of interferon status and assessing the prognosis of treatment of herpes virus-positive non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Participated with a report on May 15, 2015 at the 3rd International Congress of Oncologists.

Contacts: Tel.:+998712469863



Address: Tashkent, Shaykhantakhur district, St Farabi 383.

Phone:+998(71) 246-98-63

Department of extracorporeal chemoimmunotherapy

The relevance of the opening of the Department of Extracorporeal blood immunocorrection in the conditions of the “Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology”

From year to year the number of patients who applied to the Center for Oncology and Radiology is increasing. Practically in all clinical departments, combined and complex treatments are carried out using a surgical method, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Moreover, in most cases, patients need replacement and immunocorrective therapy, especially after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Because of the reduced hemogram values, it is sometimes impossible to carry out the planned treatment in the proper amount, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy. Taking into account the ongoing operations, the need for blood transfusions, the prevention of vector-borne infections and the threats associated with them, as well as the need for hemocomponent replacement therapy, the ECGIC department has been established at the Oncology and Radiology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2002.

Detailed historical sketch of the department

In 2002, a department was created under the name “Autohemotransfusion and immunotherapy”, headed by Sergey Viktorovich Kamyshov. The department used immunocorrection techniques aimed at improving the quality of life of patients receiving antitumor treatment. As well as in the department, autocaural blood was prepared for patients in the preoperative period, to compensate for intraoperative blood loss.

Kamyshov S.V. He defended his doctoral thesis on “Ectracorporeal imunofarakoterapiya with complex treatment of cervical cancer and ovarian cancer” in 2018 Tashkent.

Who is the current head of the department, the main areas of work.

Today, the department is headed by MD. Yusupova Nargiza Bahramovna. Yusupova N.B. she defended her thesis on the topic “Long-term endarterial regional chemotherapy in combination with Metronidazole with unresectable gastric cancer” in 2008, Tashkent. The aim of this work was to increase the effectiveness of treatment of unresectable gastric cancer by introducing into practice a method of long-term endoarterial PCT. As a result, optimal regimens, the timing of chemotherapy, indications and contraindications for treatment were developed. And also the role and prognostic value of tumor markers in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment has been studied. Yusupova NB passed the primary specialization in the specialty “Tranfusiology” at the department “Hematology and Transfusiology” under the guidance of academician S.M. Bahramov. Yusupova N.B. since 2017 is a member of AOUZ.

The main scientific and clinical areas of the department at the moment

The EGGIC department provides the clinic with blood components, controls the blood component circulation at RSNPMTSOiR, and ensures the safety of blood component therapy (clear rationales for use, the use of certified blood components).

The introduction of modern technology in daily practice.

The department uses modern methods of immunocorrection, aimed at improving the quality of life of patients receiving special treatment in the conditions of the Center of Oncology and Radiology. In oncology, correction processes play an important practical significance. The department carries out extracorporeal immunopharmacotherapy procedures, which consist in ultrasonic stimulation of the patient’s spleen by special immunomodulators: The device for ultrasonic therapy UZT-1.01.F. A distinctive feature of the procedure is simplicity and efficiency, as well as complete biological safety for the patient, along with high efficiency in terms of alignment of hemogram parameters and reduction of chemotherapy toxicity. Thanks to the use of this technology, in 3-5 days it is possible to achieve normalization of the hemogram, to improve the patient’s well-being.

Admission department

The directions of the admission department of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology: hospitalization of patients in the departments for specialized treatment, rehabilitation and preventive measures; identification of patients with severe and dangerous diseases. Assessment of the general condition of the patient and the ability to transfer the prescribed treatment.

Thus, the main functions of the receiving office are the following.

• Reception and registration of patients.

• Medical examination of patients.

• Provision of emergency medical care.

• Determination of inpatient department for hospitalization of patients.

• Sanitary and hygienic treatment of patients.

• Registration of relevant medical records.

• Transportation of patients.

Reception office is located at:

Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology “RSNPMTSOiR” RUz.
Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Farobi, 383