Department of immuno-biochemical laboratory
The laboratory is provided with modern laboratory equipment and analyzers, which are being analyzed quickly and efficiently at a high global level.
The laboratory determines the following blood tests:
-general blood analysis;
-general urine analysis;
– biochemical blood tests;
– coagulogram;
– time of blood clotting;
– primary immunological analyzes;
– blood group and Rh factor;
-express HIV, hepatitis B and C
Head of Immuno-Biochemical Laboratory Umarov Muzaffar Hudaiberdievich.
In 2006 he graduated from TashPMI. In 2008 he graduated from the TMA Master in Pathology Anatomy. In 2008-2012, he worked as a pathologist at the Department of Pathomorphology of the RCRC. Since 2013, the head of IBL has been working, over the years he is the author of several scientific articles and he is working on the topic “Immunohistochemical characteristics of mastitis and breast fibroadenomas”.
Tel: +998 (71) 246-98-40
Department of radiology
Department of Radiation Diagnostic RSSPMCOR
Radiation diagnostic is the main diagnostic discipline that has become an integral part of clinical diagnosis since the advent of X-ray machines. Includes high-tech medical imaging techniques. Due to which timely detection of tumor pathology, assessment of its prevalence and control after the treatment is possible.
Structural units of the department of radiation diagnostic.
Department of X-ray diagnostic
The department performs all necessary x-ray examinations. Patients from an advisory polyclinic are admitted to patients, including patients in the intensive care unit. For the study, high-tech digital equipment is used to reduce the radiation dose during the examination of patients:
X-ray diagnostic device – Flexavision Japan
X-ray diagnostic installation – Hi Fi China
X-ray diagnostic installation – Siemens Germany
Mammographic apparatus –Fuji Film Amulet S Japan
X-ray surgical system C-APM ZEN 5000 Korea
Studies conducted in the X-ray department
- Research of the musculoskeletal system: (X-ray of bones and joints).
– X-ray of the skull
– X-ray of the paranasal sinuses
– X-ray of all parts of the spine
– X-ray of other parts of the skeleton
– X-ray of joints
- X-ray examination of the chest, mediastinum.
- Contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract:
-Small intestine
- Examination of the kidneys and urinary tract
-Excretory urography
-Pielography: antegrade, retrogard.
Preparation for an irrigoskopiya: 4 cleansing enemas, 2 in the evening, 2 in the morning.
Preparation for the study of the stomach: dinner on the eve of the study no later than 18:00.
-In the day of the study is not. Do not drink, do not take medicine, do not smoke, do not brush your teeth.
Preparation for intravenous urography: don’t be hungry.
– Three days prior to the study, exclude products that cause gas formation (legumes, black bread, cabbage, corn, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.)
– On the day of the study, a light breakfast, during breakfast, take 10 tablets of activated charcoal.
Mammography: X-ray examination of the mammary glands, the study making according to the testimony of a mammologist for women over 35 years old. From 7 to 14 day of the menstrual cycle.
Ductography is a study of the contrast of the milky ducts.
Department of X-ray diagnostics Farobi street 383, polyclinic building. +998712460335
Department of CT
In the CT department, routine and emergency studies are performed. Patients are admitted to the clinic and hospital. Computed tomography (CT) is a highly informative method of radiation diagnosis, based on X-ray examination of the human body.
Equipment of office: CT (Germany).
CT studies are making without contrast and with contrast. Computed tomography with intravenous contrast is performed with contrast agents containing iodine.
Contraindications to CT with intravenous contrast:
-Allergy to iodine
-renal failure
-Uncompensated thyrotoxicosis
Bronchial asthma (severe form or in the period of exacerbation)
About the department
In the department of radiation diagnostics, there are qualified specialists who regularly improve their professional skills, undergo internships abroad, and at the Institute of Advanced Medical Studies, carry out teaching activities, and participate in the professional training of specialists in the specialty Medical Radiology. They take an active part in the work of both Uzbek and international congresses of scientific and practical conferences that are members of the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan. Closely cooperate with specialists of clinical and related diagnostic directions, allowing to ensure an increase in diagnostic efficiency in the delivery of diagnosis and assessment of the prevalence of the tumor process.
History of radiology department
The department of radiation diagnostics was finally formed in 1999, in previous years it existed in the form of separate divisions.
The Department of X-ray diagnostics began its existence together with the organization of the RSSPMCOR in 1958 under the leadership of the first Director of the Institute, D.M. Abdurasulov.
In the first years of the department’s operation, X-ray anatomy of the normal skeleton and skull was created, and the topography of pathological changes in bones and joints in various diseases was studied in detail. The technique of complex application of pariethography and tomography in tumor processes in the same intestinal tract has been developed.
D.M. Abdurasulov proposed a method of research of the rectum, which was included in the literature under his name. Published monographs with a summary of the experience of proven research: “Tomography of the normal bone skeleton”, “Clinical and radiological recognition of diseases of the distal colon.”
From 1964 to 1975 the department was headed by prof. N.T. Adamov. He is the author of many books, including “Tomography of the gastrointestinal tract.”
In 1975-1979 Professor Hoshim Kasymovich Tuidzhanov was the head of the X-ray diagnostic department. He published a guide to radiology.
From 1980 to 1989, the department was headed by MD. A.I. Rosenberg; in 1990-1999 – G.M. Remennikova, from 1999 to 2002 – Professor E.A. Shakirov. Organizational – methodical and practical work continued. The experience of the department was published in scientific papers. Monograph Ph.D. L.M. Savinykh “Small bowel sarcoma” was at one time the only benefit for this disease.
Since 1972, the department has been a base for undergoing an internship in radiology for graduates of TMA and SAMPI, and the advanced training of radiologists.
The department of radioisotope diagnostics is one of the largest in Uzbekistan. Radioactive isotopes until the 60s of the XX century in our country were used mainly in research on experimental animals in order to study the metabolism and blood formation process.
For the first time in Uzbekistan, clinical radionuclide studies began in 1964 in the radiology department of NCC under the direction of N.K. Muratkhodzhaev. The department was equipped with the most advanced equipment at that time: a scanner (made in Sweden) and a set of radiometric installations (made in Hungary).
At the initial stage, the department developed and improved methods of radioisotope diagnosis for diseases of the thyroid gland and liver; optimal physical and technical conditions for these procedures were worked out.
A scientific search was conducted in other directions, which led to the development of new original methods. Thus, for the first time in clinical practice, the following methods were created: the examination of the fallopian tubes (1964), the determination of the functional state of the gallbladder (1968), the measurement of portal blood flow velocity using radioactive xenon, the lung scanner method using the albumin macro unit labeled 131-1. The experience of the staff was summarized in the monograph “Radioisotope scanning” (1968), which was used as a textbook in the CIEW (Moscow).
In subsequent years, the heads of the department were MD. S.B. Karimov (1968-1975), Ph.D. E.S. Prus (1976-1997), prof. E.A. Shakirov (1999-2002).
In 2009, Ososkov A.V. 1st place was awarded at the Congress of Coloproctologists (St. Gallen, Switzerland) for a poster presentation on the use of obturators.
Conducting a hysteroscopy with the use of obturators was the basis of the scientific work of Ismailova Munazhat Khayatovna, who in 2008 won 1st place at a conference of young scientists at the 5th congress of oncologists and radiologists of the CIS countries (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), successfully defended her thesis in 2012 for the candidate’s degree medical sciences.
Larisa Petrovna Koren, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences, Scientific Director of the Department of Radiological Diagnostics, graduated from the medical faculty of the Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1986.
In 1986-1987 held a one-year internship in the specialty “rentgenology” on the basis of the RCRC of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Since 1987 she worked in the department of radionuclide diagnostics of the Center, and since 1988 – in the department of ultrasound diagnostics in combination.
In 1995, L.P. Koren defended a dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. of Medical Sciences on the topic “Comprehensive Assessment of the Liver Condition in Patients with Malignant Tumors of the Esophagus and Stomach”. The dissertation deals with the analysis of the results of the study of the state of the liver of cancer patients on the basis of the radionuclide and ultrasound method, laboratory studies – biochemical analysis of blood, the determination of tumor markers in blood serum. Based on the research results, using a mathematical factor analysis using the principal component method, a model of the system-tumor-organism relationship is shown using the changes in the structure and functional parameters of the liver, the dynamics of this relationship as a result of the treatment of patients.
In 2000-2001 L.P.Koren completed internships in Prague (Czech Republic) and Budapest (Hungary) in the field of nuclear medicine (diagnosis and treatment with labeled isotopes); in 2003, 2004, 2009, 2014 She studied at the regional courses of the IAEA.
Since 2001 he has been working in the office of computer tomography of the Center.
Since 2002 – Scientific Director of the Department of Radiology.
Fatima Dzhamalovna Kakhkharova – Head of radiation department, doctor of the highest category, experience in the department for more than 30 years, has extensive practical experience in conducting research on cancer patients, actively participates in the training of radiologists, masters and clinical residents in radiology. She studied abroad (Czech Republic, Russia), on the basis of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies.
Hamid Madaminovich Matyusupov – radiologist, work experience in the specialty – 12 years.
He is proficient in all methods of diagnostic X-ray studies and interventional radiology – he independently examines such procedures as catheterization of blood vessels for regional chemotherapy, a control study with the imposition of nephrostomy, PCHS, RPHG.
Munazhat Khayatovna Ismailova – Ph.D., employee of the department of the Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor-radiologist of the CT department. Practical work experience in the specialty of 12 years.
In 2012 she defended her thesis on the topic “Improvement of radiological methods for the diagnosis of polyps and polypoid uterine changes.”
Sergey Sergeevich Astasev – graduated from the magistracy in medical radiology in 2018, the work experience about the specialty is 1 year.
Khudayberdiyeva Diyora Abdusattarovna – graduated from the clinical residency in medical radiology in 2016 on the basis of the Academician V.V. Vakhidov. Since 2019, doctor radiologist RSSPMCOR.
Employees of the radiation diagnostics department constantly improve their knowledge – they regularly take advanced training courses for doctors (3 doctors have the highest category), have repeatedly taken internships abroad – in clinics of the Czech Republic, Hungary, and are trained in regional IAEA courses and the European School of Radiologists.
Over the years of the radiological department, the staff defended 3 doctoral and 18 Kandidat dissertations. Published in domestic and foreign press more than 320 scientific papers.
The arsenal of technical means of the department allows for a comprehensive examination of cancer patients, taking into account the specifics of the disease and the need to solve diagnostic problems.
Various methods of X-ray study of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, including using contrast media are used; Mammografiya, the study of the skeletal system, biliary tract. In the angiography room, catheterization of the vessels is performed for regional chemotherapy, which is a scientific topic of the Center.
Examination of patients with a computerized tomograph allows you to more accurately assess the localization of the process, its prevalence, which is a fundamental point for planning the volume and tactics of treating patients with malignant tumors.
The department of radiation diagnostics works to improve the existing methods of research of patients – the department introduced an improved method of hysteroscopy and anorectoscopy with the use of obturators, developed by doctor Ososkov AV, who in 2007 received a patent for an invention – an obturator for using radiopaque agents.
tel: +998712469872 +998712460335
Department of ultrasound diagnostics
Laboratory of ultrasonic diagnostics
Ultrasound is a minimally invasive method of examination of internal organs, which is based on the ability of sound waves to reflect from different structures of the body.
the absence of radiation exposure
-highly informative
-diagnosis in the early stages of the disease
-dynamic monitoring of the patient’s condition
-unlimited number of studies
Goals and objectives:
-timely and early diagnosis of tumor and non-tumor diseases of soft tissues, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
-assessment of internal organs, soft tissues and blood vessels
-assessment of the dynamics of the pathological process in time
-the study of the pathological region for targeting surgical intervention
-evaluation of the treatment used
-prevention of complications
Laboratory of ultrasound “RSPMCOandR” was created in 1964 under the leadership of Professor Fazylov A.A.
Type of research:
-Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen.
-Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
-Ultrasound of the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles (transabdominal, transrectal)
-Ultrasound of the scrotum
-Ultrasound of the uterus, appendages (transabdominal, transvaginal)
-Ultrasound of Thyroid gland
-Soft tissue ultrasound
-Breast ultrasound
-Ultrasound of peripheral, retroperitoneal lymph nodes
-Ultrasound of the thorax (the mediastinum, diaphragm, pleura)
-Ultrasound of eyeball and orbit
-Vascular ultrasound
-Compressional sonoelastography
Chief of Ultrasound laboratory Juravlyov Igor Ivanovich.
Tel: +998(71) 246-98-40
Department of pathomorphology
Pathomorphologic (histologic) investigation – it is a method of detailed studying of human organism to define pathologic process at tissue level. It has a significant importance for verification and determining of disease study, carrying out differential diagnosis, and dynamic control during medial, radiation, surgical and cytostatic treatments. Specimen for histologic analysis can be taken by biopsy under direct visual control (endoscopy, US, CT and MRI) or during operative procedure. During endoscopic investigation of gastrointestinal system, biopsy is a standard diagnostic procedure.
Methods of investigation
1. Routine cytological examination;
2. Express cytological examination (for surgical interventions);
3. Histological examination;
4. Express histological examination;
5. Immunohistochemical study;
6. Autopsy, and archiving of materials;
Cytological examination
The name of this method is derived from the combination of the Greek words kytos (cell) and logos (teaching), literally – the study of cells. Its essence in the analysis with the help of a microscope features the structure of the cellular composition of the biomaterial: changes in nuclei, in the cytoplasm. Most often, “cytology” is understood as a gynecological cytological study, but the cytological method is also used in the study of sputum, exudate from joints, imprint of removed tissues, prostate juice, etc.
The cytological method allows to reveal various pathologies in the development of cells. The research is based on the same principle as in the histological analysis of the biopsy material – morphological, but in this case only a very small amount of biomaterial is required. Cytological preparation – smear-imprint or scraping – can be done within a few minutes, without using special equipment. Also, unlike a biopsy, the analysis is less invasive.
Cytological examination is one of the most accurate analyzes that medicine currently offers. On average, for all methods the accuracy of the results is close to 100%. Sensitivity – the ability of tests not to give false – negative results – approximately 94% for all types of cytological analysis. Specificity, that is, the ability not to give false positive results in the absence of disease, varies from method to method, but usually not less than 99%.
Histological examination
Histological examination is the study of cells of a biopsy specimen (a sample of the affected tissue) under a microscope. It sounds simple enough, but in fact this method is rather complicated, it involves various technologies for processing biomaterials and various methods of microscopy. Biomaterial for histological examination can be samples of various tissues – skin, mucous membranes, muscles. Sometimes a histological examination is subjected to a smear – epithelial cells, taken with a special soft brush.
When is a histological examination performed? This method of diagnosis is used in many areas of medicine. This method is particularly valuable in the study of neoplasms – it allows one to determine their character (benign or malignant), the rate of growth, the effectiveness of therapy. Histological studies are widely used in such areas of medicine as gastroenterology, otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, urology, hematology, pulmonology, nephrology and others. Histological examination is necessarily prescribed for suspected tumors, as well as for determining the stage of the process. It is performed before the appointment of antitumor therapy and during treatment to monitor its effectiveness (and, if necessary, its correction).
In modern medicine, two methods of conducting histological examination are used. In the usual method, the resulting biopsy is treated with a fixative that does not allow it to decay under the action of enzymes, and is compacted with paraffin. Then the resulting preparation is cut into a microtome into “slices” with a thickness of not more than 8 μm and stained. After this, the drug is examined with a microscope and is rendered a conclusion. Usually the results are ready in 7-10 days. The longest time you have to wait for the results of a biopsy specimen of bone tissue – about 2 weeks. However, sometimes the results of a histological examination are needed by the doctor immediately, within an hour – for example, during an operation, when the question arises of the immediate removal or preservation of the organ. In this case, an accelerated technique of histological examination is used, in which the biopsy is frozen, cut with a microtome and immediately carried out microscopy. The survey takes only an hour or less.
Immunohistochemical study
Immunohistochemical (IHC) study is a method of identifying specific antigenic properties of malignant tumors. Immunohistochemical methods are used to detect the localization of a particular cellular or tissue component (antigen) in situ by binding it to labeled antibodies and are an integral part of modern cancer diagnostics, providing detection of localization in tissues of various cells, hormones and their receptors, enzymes, immunoglobulins, components cells and individual genes.
IGH study begins with the sampling of the drug. For this, a trepan biopsy is performed, in which the tissue is taken from the tumor and nearby tissues, or the material comes from the operation. Then the material is fixed. After fixing, the material is sent to the wiring, which allows to prepare it for operation (degrease and additionally fix). After posting, all samples are filled with paraffin, receiving histological blocks. They enter into perpetual storage, therefore it is possible to carry out a research of IHC in the presence of paraffin blocks made earlier.
The next stage of IHC research is microtemping – the lab assistant makes sections with paraffin blocks up to 3.0 μm thick and places them on special histological glasses.
Subsequent routine coloring, special coloration and immunohistochemical examination are produced, allowing at each stage to more and more differentiate the phenotype and tumor nosology.
Pathomorphology department
Coworkers of the department:
Scientific advisor of the department doctor of medical sciences, Nishonov Doniyor Anarboyevich
Head of the department: Madaliev Axror Aliyevich
Physicians: Khamidov Sirojiddin Yunuskhonovich
Contacts of the department : tel: +998 (71) 246-98-64
Department of endoscopy
Modern endoscopy – one of the priorities in medicine, because not only allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, identify the existing disease and effectively treat it, but also plays a significant role in the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing you to determine the risk of the disease and prevent its development. Depending on the study authority distinguish a bronchoscopy (endoscopy of the trachea and bronchi), gastroscopy (endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum), epipharyngeal (the study of bodies of Neurotechnology), endoscopy of the small bowel (capsule endoscopy), colonoscopy (endoscopy of the colon), andose (a combination of endoscopic and ultrasound), etc.
Endoscopic Department is equipped with the latest equipment and devices (video endoscopes) EPK-i5000 series of “PENTAX” Japan. The endoscopes we work with have unique functions. This image acquisition in the standard of high definition and resolution (HD), inspection in a narrow spectrum of light (i-SCAN). The use of these techniques allows you to visualize the smallest pathological changes, to identify cancer microexpressions at an early stage, and therefore completely curable stage.
The advantage of endoscopic examination
The advantages of endoscopic examination are obvious: no other method of examination of the stomach, colon, small intestine, esophagus, bronchi does not allow to examine these organs so accurately and in detail. A modern endoscope is a complex optoelectronic device that allows a qualified endoscopist to see a digital image, with optical and electronic magnification, on a monitor with high resolution (HD), to examine everything in great detail. After all, any changes in color and surface, even a few millimeters in size, are very important for detecting not only the disease itself, but also its first signs. In addition, the use of special filters (optical electron chromoscopy), dyes (chromoscopy), optical (150-fold) increase can detect diseases, precancerous conditions and tumors at the earliest stage, when they can be completely cured, often without surgery. After all, none of the tumors does not arise from nothing, ” out of the blue.” The appearance of the tumor is preceded by a number of changes visible by modern video endoscope. All types of endoscopic examination are allowed to perform histology for the study of cells under a microscope. And all this is done at once, for one study.
What we do:
Priority endoscopy “Snptower” of the MOH of RUz is a diagnosis of cancer and other tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tract at an early stage, detection and treatment of precancerous lesions.
Types of endoscopic procedures
The following types of endoscopy are performed in the Department:
-appearingthe (study of noortehostelite)
-esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum);
-colonoscopy (colon examination);
-fiber-optic bronchoscopy (examination of the trachea and bronchial tree of the lungs);
-endoscopic procedures perform diagnostic and therapeutic surgical (removal of polyps, control of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, diatermokoagulyatsii neoplastic strictures, the installation of probes and implants in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, separate intubation of the bronchi in surgical interventions on the lungs and others).
All endoscopic examinations are performed by endoscopes of the latest generation of the EPK-i5000 series of PENTAX company, in a special endoscopic Department, by endoscopists. The survey results are available immediately after the procedure in printed form, in accordance with international standards, indiatogether. Disinfection and sterilization of endoscopes and instruments is carried out in accordance with international standards, using fully automatic machines that exclude transmission, with the formation of a disinfection Protocol.
One of the medical procedures which is carried out in our Department – endoprosthesis or stenting of the esophagus, tracheobronchial tree, colon and rectum, carrying out various types of polypectomy, recanalization of scar and tumor strictures with various pathological changes in the digestive tract, tracheobronchial tree and oropharyngeal.
One of the problems with inoperable cancer of the esophagus, cardia or stomach with the transition to the esophagus is the elimination of dysphagia. As a rule, for enteral nutrition in patients of this category perform gastrostomy. Gastrostomy is a crippling operation that causes psychological trauma to the patient. The task of restoring the endoscopic oral nutrition of the patient is currently solved mainly by endoprosthesis replacement of the esophagus.
Stenting is a method of restoring the lumen of a hollow organ using a special device — a stent, which is a thin metal frame, usually in the form of a cylinder, capable of restoring the shape of tubular organs, changed by compression or ingrowth of the tumor.Esophageal stenting is a bloodless, gentle operation that allows you to restore the permeability of the esophagus in a more or less extended area.
Stenting is used in the practice of cancer gastroenterology to restore the lumen of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon and bile ducts, as well as in pulmonology to restore the lumen of the trachea and large bronchi. This type of intervention solves serious problems without resorting to “big surgery”, i.e. the most minimally invasive way.
The advantage of endoscopic techniques is their high efficiency, the minimum number of complications, the fastest rehabilitation of patients and a significant improvement in the quality of life by reducing the number of days required for rehabilitation and preservation of physiological functions of the stented organ.
Stenting, it is — improving the quality of life of the patient by restoring the passage of food, liquid and drugs on the gastrointestinal tract; the possibility of nutrition and naturally, as well as preparing the patient for other specific treatments.
Carrying out such minimally invasive endoscopic surgery as polypectomy of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, bronchial carcinoid, installation of probes for parenteral nutrition, with severe compression of various parts of the esophagus and stomach and duodenum, with tumor pathology of neighboring organs allows in one case to relieve the patient from cancer, in other cases significantly improve the quality of life.
Endoscopy in the modern world is one of the most important, accurate, most informative and simple methods of modern diagnosis.
Loktionova Elena Arnoldovna
He graduated from the medical faculty of the Tashkent state medical Institute in 1981. From 1981 to 1983года passed clinical internship at the Department of Oncology, Tashkent state medical Institute. Elena arnoldovna worked in our clinic for 33 years after completing her clinical residency. From 1992 to 2016 she was the head of the Department of endoscopy, a doctor of the highest category. During her career, she showed herself not only as a kind, responsive, trouble-free person, but also as a Doctor with a capital letter. Constantly engaged in self-improvement, internships and training cycles in the specialty. With many years of teaching experience, under her leadership were trained a large number of young specialists in endoscopy from all regions of our country. Treating her work with full moral and physical impact, Elena arnoldovna actively participated in the development of various methods of combined treatment of cancer patients, which resulted in widely used original methods for the treatment of patients with cancer of the esophagus and lungs. As one of the leading specialists of Uzbekistan in the field of endoscopy, Elena Arnoldovna successfully used almost all types of endoscopic manipulations from endoprosthesis of the esophagus to the introduction of chemotherapy directly into the tumor tissue of lung cancer, which significantly improves the quality of life of patients and its duration. One of the first began to take part in separate intubation during lung operations. Together with the specialists of head and neck tumors, she successfully introduced into practice the technique of therapeutic and diagnostic direct rhinolaryngoscopy. Elena arnoldovna is a specialist not only in the upper gastrointestinal tract and lungs, but also an excellent specialist in the field of colonoscopy, both diagnostic and therapeutic.
Head of endoscopy Department.
Works Davron Abdumannapovich
He graduated from the medical and pedagogical faculty of the Tashkent Medical Academy in 2008. From 2009 to 2011, completed clinical residency in Snptower. After having completed a clinical residency works D. A. in 2011, he began his career at the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, doctor-endoscopist.
From 2016 to the present day is the head of the Department of endoscopy in the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology. The doctor of the second category of works of D. A. during his career, repeatedly passed specialization and training abroad. He is the author and co-author of several scientific articles and abstracts, a participant of a number of international and domestic conferences, congresses and congresses on topical issues of diagnosis in Oncology. Works D. A. today he is a leading specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.
The endoscopy Department of the clinic “Snptower” operates at a counseling clinic and performs routine and emergency diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy inpatient and outpatient patients.
Tel: +998(71) 246-98-40